প্রচ্ছদপ্রবন্ধThe use of metaphor in the poem 'Bidrohee'

Written by : Hasan Alim

The use of metaphor in the poem ‘Bidrohee’

Hasan Alim

The poem ‘Bidrohee’ by Kazi Nazrul Islam is rich in metaphor. Various lines of this poem contain various types of metaphor. Metaphor provides this poem with beauty. In a poem metaphor is created by proper synchronization of delighted words. Kazi Nazrul Islam has created the best poems of metaphor in Bengali Literature. He is the emperor of metaphor and imagery in modern Bengali Literature. The poet has established an empire of metaphors in the poem ‘Bidrohee’. The use of unprecedented metaphors of this poem makes our heart swing, it attracts the mind of the readers with its magnetic beauty. Metaphor created by Nazrul is fanciful, wonderfully pleasant and graceful. At the utterance of the metaphorical lines of the poem ‘Bidrohee’ the heart of the readers gets mesmerized, the mind gets oriented in front of the archway of a fearless pleasing world. We don’t find such a huge and varied use of metaphor and imagery in the poem of any other poet.

We find immense combination of metaphor and imagery in the poem ‘Bidrohee’. In some lines both metaphor and imagery are used keeping separate status. The poet has invented various experimental and unique metaphors in this poem which is uniquely wonderful.


The phonetic similarity which is created by the multiple use of some of the consonants or syllables or words of a particular line is called rhetorics. Such metaphors are of five types. They are: 1.Alliteration, 2. Homophones 3.Epigram  4.Irony  5.Synonym


In the poem ‘Bidrohee’ various alliterations are used in different ways. The alliteration changes its attribute based on the changeable positions of the consonants and syllables of the words in lines. The appearance, essence and rhythm of the consonants get evolved at the stable position of the consonants or syllables in the words of lines following the same manner. To use alliteration in such an excellent way is possible only by great poets. Such experimental activity is not the fruit of sudden emotion. This is possible only by a sagacious, scholar poet. There are nine kinds of alliterations in the poem ‘Bidrohee’. They are: 1.Ending word alliteration, 2.Cyclic word alliteration, 3.Mixed Cyclic word alliteration, 4. Alliteration of Compound word, 5.Starting word alliteration, 6.Headon word alliteration, 7.middle word alliteration, 8.Complete word alliteration, 9. Plosive assonance

1.Ending word Alliteration:

The alliteration of the last consonant or syllable of the last words of two or three lines is called the Ending word Alliteration.

The poem ‘Bidrohee’ is composed in the style of alliterations with unequal metrical line. In calculation we find 139 lines of the poem. In fact the poem is of 137 lines because forty four lines are the di-metrical unequal lines dealing with ending word alliteration among eighty eight lines. Line number 89, 90 and 91,92 don’t contain the ending word alliteration of di-metrical unequal lines.

Chchuti jhorer moton korotali diya                          89

Sworgomorto korotole,                                         90

Taji Burrak ar Uchchweshreba bahon amar       91

Himmot-hresha henke chole                                      92

In these lines the ending words ‘diya’ and ‘korotole’ do not go with the ending words ‘amar’ and ‘chole’ and therefore they don’t contain ending word alliteration. But the words ‘korotole’ and ‘chole’ have ending word alliterations. They are broken parts of di-metrical unequal lines. Again we don’t find ending word alliteration in lines number 101 & 102. This is an exceptional di-metrical unequal line.


“Ami Orpheuser bashori,

Moha-sindhu utola ghum-ghum”

Such lines are called di-metrical equal lines.

But the ending word alliterations of line number 1o1 to 104 can be considered as the similarity of ending word alliterations of line number 101, 104, 102 and 103.

Ami Orpheuser banshori,                                       101

Moha-sindhu utola ghum-ghum                             102

Ghum chumu diye kore Nikhil bishwe nijhjhum   103

Momo Banshorir tane pashori!                               104

The next line, line number 105 is: “Ami Shyamer hater banshori”. Here the speech ends and we have got five odd numbered lines from line number 101 to line number 105.

Such lines are called evolutionary ending word alliteration.

We find ending word simile in 127 di-metrical unequal lines among 139 lines. There are 2 ending word alliterations of  tri-metrical unequal lines among the rest of the 12 lines. There are four evolutionary ending word alliterations in line number 101-104 and there are 2 separated speech ending word alliterations of di-metrical unequal lines.

Quotation of ending word simile of di-metrical unequal lines:

1.      Bolo beer-

Bolo unnoto momo shir!

2.      Bolo mohabishsher mohakash phari

Chondro surjo groho tara chchari

3.      Ami chiro durdom, durbinito, nrishongsho,

Mohaproloyer ami notoraj, ami cyclone, ami dhongsho

Quotation of ending word simile of tri-metrical unequal lines:

1.      Ami rushe uthe jobe chchuti mohakash chchapiya,

Bhoye sopto norok Habiya dozokh nibhe nibhe jay kanpiya!

Ami bidrohee-bahi Nikhil okhil bepiya.

2.      Ami shrabon-plabon bonna,

Kobhu dhoroneere kori boroneeya, kobhu bipul dhongsho-dhonna-

Ami chchiniya anibo bishnu-bokhkho hoite jugol konna!

Ending word alliterations are formed by the syllabic class ‘ya’ in the first stanza and in the second stanza the ending word simile is formed through the syllabic class ‘na’ in the words bonna, dhonna, konna .

Words containing ending word simile of this poem:

Beer, shir, phari, chchari, bhediya, chchediya, bidhatreer, joyoshreer, nrishongsho, dhongsho, durbar, churmar, uchchringkhol, shringkhol, aain, main, boishakheer, bidhatreer, ghurni, churni, chchondo, jibonanondo, chchomki, chomki, tin dol, hindol, mon ja, ponja, durmod, mod, jomodogni. Ogni, shoshan, nishaboshan, surjo, turjo, baridhir, gongotreer, chengis, kurnish, onkar, hunkar, dondo, prochondo, shishsho, bishsho, mohatrash, rahu-grash, shechchachari, dorpo-haree, mohakollol, projjol, dhonni, bonni, dhonni, udasheer, hutashir, pothiker, goti, pher, sunibir, kumarir, onukhon, kon-kon, kishor, nichor, hawa, gawa, robi, chchobi, unmad, sob badh, cheton, keton, korotole, hence chole, kalaqnol, kolahol, lompho, kompo, japti, sapti, chonchol, onchol, banshori, pashori, ghum-ghum, nijhjhum, chchapiya, kapiya, bepiya, bonna, dhonna, konna, shoni, phoni, sorbonashee, hashi, chinmoy, mrinmoy, obbay, bhoy, durjoy, sotto, morto, kuthar, udar, skondhe, mohanonde, klanto, shanto, dhonibe, ronibe na, chinho, bhinno.

2, Cyclic word Alliteration: Cyclic word alliteration is formed if the consonants in a single line get pronounced two times.


1.      Bhulok dulok golok bhediya, ( l , k)

2.      Momo lolate rudro bhogoban jole raj-rajtika (j)

3.      Ami bhora-toree kori bhora-dubi, (r)

4.      Ami chol-chonchol, thomoki chchomoki (m,k)

5.      Ami chopola chopol hindol (p,l)

6.      Ami shashon-trashon, songhar ami unshno chiro-odheer.(s)

7.      Ami obosan, nishabosan!(s)

In the above mentioned quotations the consonants in bracket (l,k,j,r,m,p,l,s) are used more than one time.

3.Mixed Cyclic word Alliteration:

Kazi Nazrul Islam introduced Mixed Cyclic word Alliteration in the poem ‘Bidrohee’. Such simile is created because of the versatile syllabic classification in a line.


Shir nehari amari, noto-shir oi shikhor himadrir

Analysis of syllabic versatility

wordSound analysisdiphthongSyllabic classification

In the above mentioned analysis it is seen that the words ‘shir’ and ‘noto-shir’ contain the syllable ‘ir’, the words nehari and amari contain the syllable ‘ari’, the word shikhor contains the syllable or and the word himadrir contains the syllable ‘ir’. These three syllabic classes diphthong ‘ir’ ‘ari’ ‘or’ are used in the same line. Therefore mixed syllabic word alliteration is formed.

4. Alliteration of compound words: Simile of compound words is created If compound consonant or close syllabic class is used in the same line more than once.


1.      Ami hom-shikha, ami sagnik jomodogni (gn)

2.      Ami chiro-durdom, durbinito, nrishongsho  (dur)

3.      Ami durdom, momo praner peyala hordom hai hordom bhorpur mod   (hor)

4.      Ami kobhu proshanto. Kobhu oshanto, darun shechchacharee (nt)

5.      Ami ujjol, Ami projjol (jj)

6.      Ami tuirianonde chchute choli

7.      Ami trash sonchari bhubone sohosha sonchari bhumikompo (ch)

8.      Ami mrinmoy, ami chinmoy  (nm)

9.      Jogodeeshor Ishshor ami purushottom sotto  (sh)

10.   Nikhotriyo koribo bishsho  (nt)

In the above mentioned quotation compound consonants ‘gn’ of the words sagnik and jomodogni, the close syllable ‘dur’ of the words ‘durdom’ and ‘durbinito’ ‘hor’ of the word ‘hordom’ the compound letters of the words ‘proshanto’ and ‘oshanto’ the compoubd letters ‘jj’ of the word ‘ujjol’ and ‘projjol’ the compound letters ‘nm’ of the word ‘unmad’, the compound letters of the words ‘sonchari’ and ‘sonchori’, the compound letters ‘nm’ of the words ‘mrinmoy’ and ‘chinmoy’, the compound consonants ‘sh’ of the words ‘jogodeeshor’ and ‘eeshor’. The compound consonants ‘nt’ of the words ‘shanti’ and ‘shanto’ create similes of compound words.

5.Starting word alliteration: Starting word alliteration is created in  different words containing the same starting letter. There are lots of starting word alliterations in the poem ‘Bidrohee’.


1.      Bolo beer- (b,b)

2.      Mohabishsher mohakash phari(m,m)

3.      Khodar ason arosh chchediya (a,a)

4.      Uthiyachchi chiro bishshoy ami bishshobidhatreer(b,b,b)

5.      Momo ,lolate rudro bhogoban jole raj-rajtika deepto joyoshreer!(r,r,j,j,j,j)

6.      Ami Bheem bhasoman main (

7.      Pothe jete jete chokite chomoki (j,j,ch,ch)

8.      Phing diya dei tin dol (d,d,d)

9.      Ami chopola chopol hindol! (ch,ch)

10.  Ami durdom, momo praner peyala hordom hai hordom (p,p,h,h,h)

11.  Momo ek hate banka bansher banshori r hate rono-turjo! (b,b,b)

12.  Ami krishno kontho. Monthon bish piya betha baridhir! (b,b,b)

13.  Ami apnare chchara kori na kahare kurnish1 (k,k,k)

14.  Ami pinak panir domru trishul, dhormorajer dondo (p,p)

15.  Ami pronob nad prochondo! (pro,pro)

16.  Ami dabanol daho, dahon koribo bishsho (d,d,d)

17.  Ami mohaproloyer dadosh robir rahu-gras!(r,r)

18.  Ami kobhu proshanto, kobhu oshanto (k,k)

19.  Ami uchchol jol-chchol-chchol (chch,chch)

20.  Ami bidhobar buke krondon shaash(b,b,)

21.  Ami bonchito betha pothobasee (b,b)

22.  Chito-chumbon-chor-kompon ami thor-thor-thor prothom porosh kumarir! (ch,ch,,th,th)

23.  Ami gopon priyar chokito chahoni, chchol kore dekha onukhon (ch,ch)

24.  Ami shyamolima chchyachchobi! (chch,chch)

25.  Himmot hresha henke chole (h,h,h)

26.  Bosudha bokhkhe agneyadri, barbo-bohni, kalanol, (b,b,b,b)

27.  Ami torite choriya ure choli (ch,ch)

28.  Ami dhrishti, daant diya chchiri bishshosho mayer onchol (d,d)

29.  Ami chchiniya anibo bishnu bokhkho hoite jugol-konna! (b,b)

30.  Ami ojor,pmor, okhkhoy. Ami obboy (o,o,o,o)

31.  Ami porshuramer kothor kuthar (k,k)

32.  Ami bidrohee bhrigu bhogoban buke enke dei podochinho! (bh,bh)

6.      Headon word alliteration: Headon word alliteration is created when one word start with the same letter which is the last consonant of the previous word. Such quotations are:

1.      Ami pothik kobir gobheer ragini, benu bine gaan gawa! (k,k,r,r)

2.      Ami bishshotorone boijoyontee, manob bijoy keton. (b,b)

3.      Ami bosudha bokhkhe agneyadri, barbo-bohni, kalanol,(b,b,)

4.      Ami tras sonchari bhubone sohosa sonchari bhumikompo! (s,s,s,s)

5.      Nikhkhotriyo koribo bishsho, anibo shanti shanto udar!(b,b)

7.      Middle word alliteration: Middle word simile is created when different words deal with the same letters in middle.


1.      Bhyulok dulok golok bhediya, (l)

2.      Ami chol chonchol, thomoki chchomoki (m)

3.      Ami chopola chopol hindol!(p)

4.      Ami shason-trason songhar (s)

5.      Ami obosan nishabosan! (b,s)

6.      Momo ek hate banka bansher banshori (sh)

7.      Ami kobhu proshanto, kobhu oshanto (sh)

8.      Ami orun khuner torun, ami….(r)

9.      Ami bidhobar buke krondon shas ha-hutash ami hutashir1 (t)

10.  Ami bonchito-betha pothobasee chiro-grihohara joto pothiker! (th)

11.  Chito-chumbon-chor kompon ami thor-thor-thor prothom porosh kumareer! (r)

12.  Ami joubon bheetu pollibalar anchol kachori nichor! (ch)

13.  Ami sohosa amare chinechchi, amar khuliya giyachche sob badh!(m)

14.  Ami uththan, ami poton, Ami ocheton-chite cheton! (t)

15.  Ami patale matal ogni-pathar-kolorol-kolo-kolahol! (t,l)

16.  Ami torite choriya ure choli jor turi diya, diya lompho!r)

17.  Momo banshorir taane pashori! (sh)

18.  Ami bidroho-bahee Nikhil okhil bepiya. (kh)

19.  Ami shrabon-plabon bonna (b)

20.  Ami dhoronire kori boroneeya (r)

21.  Ami chchiniya anibo bishshnu-bokhkho hoite jugol konna! (n)

22.  Ami manob danob debotar bhoy, (n)

23.  Ami tathiya tathiya mothiya phiri e shorgo patal morto!

24.  Ami porshuramer kothor kuthar, (th)

8.Complete word alliteration: Exact similarities between words or the similarities between the letters of the words create complete word alliteration .Versatility and rhythm are created for the sweet essence of speech by using versatile implication of words. Nazrul has created a large number of complete word alliterations in the poem ‘Bidrohee’.


1.      Pothe jete jete chokite chomoki

2.      Ami uchchol jol-chchol-chchol, chol urmir hindol dol!

3.      Chiti chumbon chor kompon ami thor thor thor prothom porosh kumareer!

4.      Ami chpol meyer bhalobasa, tar kakon churir kon-kon.

5.      Ami moru nirjhor jhor jhor, ami shyemolima chchayachchobi.

6.      Ami turiyanonde chchute choli eki unmad, ami unmad!

7.      Ami torite choriya ure choli jor turi diya diya lompho,

8.      Moha sindhu utola ghum ghum

9.      Bhoye sopto norok habiya dozokh nibhe nibhe jay kanpiya!

10.  Ami tathiya tathiya mothiya phiri e sworgo patal morto!

In the above mentioned quotations the complete words alliterations are : jete jete, chchol-chchol, kon-kon, jhor jhor, diya diya, ghum ghum, nibhe nibhe.

9.Plosive Assonance: Plosive Assonance is created by multiple implications of consonants pronounced from the same point of vocabulary organ. In the poem ‘Bidrohee’ there are lots of plosive assonance. As a result poetic beauty and ornamentation are increased. According to the articulation the plosive assonances are given below:

a.Glottal Assonance:

1. Ami dhurjoty, ani elokeshe jhor okal boishakheer (k,kh)

2. Ami bidrohee bhrigu, bhogoban buke eke dei podochinho! (k, g)

3. Ami byomkesh, dhori bondhonhara dhara gongotreer. (k,g)

4. Bhoye sopto norok habiya dozokh nibhe nibhe jay kanpiya! (k, kh)

b.Palatal Assonance:

1. Ami uchchol jol-chchol-chchol, chol-urmir, hindol-dol (ch,chch, j)

2. Ami turoyanonde chchute choli (ch,chch)

3. Chchuti jorer moton korotali diya (chch, jh)

c. Labial Assonance:

1. Momo lolate rudro bhogoban jole raj-rajteeka deepto joyoshreer! (b,bh)

2. Ami bhenge kori sob churmar! (b,bh)

3. Ami bhora-toree kori bhora-dubi,

    Ami torpedo , Bheem bhasomam main! (p,b, bh)

4.Ami durdom, momo praner peyala hordom hai hordom bhorpur mod.(p,bh)

5. Ami krishno-kontho, monthon bish piya betha-baridhir! (p,b)

6. Ami khepa durbasa bishshamitro shishsho, (p,b)

7. Ami bonchito betha pothobasi chiro griho-hara joto pothiker, (p,b)

8. Ami obomaniter morom bedona, bish jala priyo lanchito buke goti pher!(p, ph,b)

9. Ami joubon bheetu polli balar Anchor kacholi nichor!

10. Ami rushe uthi jobe chchuti mohakash chchapiya(p,b)

11. Bhoye sopto norok Habiya dozokh nibhe nibhe jay kanpiya (p,b,bh)

12. Ami bidrohee bhrigu, bhogoban-buke enke dei podo-chinho, (p,b,bh)

d. Dental Assonance:

1. Ami mohamari, ami bheeti e dhoritreer. (t,dh)

2.Ami chirodurdom, ami durbineeto nrishongso (t,d)

3. Ami chiro duronto durmod, (t,d)

4. Ami indrani suto hate chand bhale surjo, (t,d)

5. Ami bidhobar buke krondon shaash, haa hutash ami hutashir! (t,d,dh)

6. Ami obomaniter morom bedona bish jala priyo lanchito buke goti pher!


7.Ami turiyanonde chchute choli eki unmad, ami unmad!(t,d)

8. Ami patale matal ogni-pathar-kolorol-kolo-kolahol (t,th)

e. Fricative Assonance:

1. Uthiyachchi chiro-bisshoy ami bishsho bidhatreer! (s,sh)

2. Ami shason-trason, sonhar ami ushno chiro odheer. (sh,s)

3. Ami israfiler shingar mohahunkar, (s,sh)

4. Ami shoroshir hridi sorosij preme uddam, ami dhonno. (sh,s)

5. ami bidhobar buke krondon shaash, haa hutash ami hutashir (sh,s)

f. Nasal Assonance:

1. Uthiyachchi chiro-bishshoy ami bishsho bidhatreer! (m)

2. Ami chiro durdom, durbineeto nrishongso, (m,ng)

3. Ami dole jai joto bondhon joto niyom kanun shrinkhol! (m)

4. Ami torpedo, Bheem bhasoman main! (m)

5. Ami chiro-duronto durmod, (n,m)

2.Epigram :

Epigram is created when a line gets beautified by the implication of different meanings of a single word. To create epigram in a literary piece is difficult. It is possible only by great poets. In the poem ‘Bidrohee’ there are various epigrams. The quotations depicting epigrams are given below:

1.      Moha-proloyer ami Notoraj,

2.      Ami Bheem bhasoman main!

3.      Ami dhurjoty, ani elokeshe jhor okal boishakhir!

4.      Ami nritto pagol chchondo,

5.      Ami mohamaree ami bheeti e dhoreetrir!

6.      Ami byomkesh, dhori bondhonhara dhara gongotreer!

7.      Ami bojro, ami eeshan bishane onkar,

8.      Ami akul nidakh-teeyasha, ami roudro rudro robi,

9.      Ami bosudha-bokhkhe agneyadree, barbo-bohni, kalanol,

In the above mentioned quotation the poet has mentioned himself as ‘Notoraj’. In one hand Notoraj is a great dance artist who create wonders by exhibiting his art and on the other hand ‘Notoraj’ is the name of Shiva. Shiva is able to bring down catastrophe on earth by his devastating dance. In this episode of the poem Notoraj is representing Shiva the tremendous king of dance. Notoraj is used as a epigram

Another line is ‘Ami Bheem bhasoman mine’ . In this episode of the poem Bheem is the demonstrator of extreme anger who is compared with a destructive floating mine. On the other hand Bheem also refers to Shiva who extremely powerful. The word Bheem is an excellent piece of epigram here. ‘Ami dhurjoty, ami elokeshe jhor okal boishakhir’-In this sentence Shiva is represented by the word Dhurjoty. Extremely powerful rough haired Shiva is presented here who is compared with the extremely destructive force of storm.

In this line the reckless storm is compared with the reckless Shiva and Dhurjoty is the representative of Shiva. As a result the term ‘elokeshe jhor’ has become an epigram.

Ami nrittopagol chchondo’ in this line nrittopagol means the dance that creates craze in universe which is very rhythmic. On the other hand the term ‘nrittopagol’ means the heart-snatching rhythmic dance of Shiva. As a result the word nrittopagol is an epigram.

“Ami mohamari, ami bheeti e dhoreetrir” In this line the word ‘mohamari’ is an epigram. Mohamari means extremely indiscipline status, on the other hand ‘mohamari’ means epidemic which causes the death of lots of people. Therefore epidemic creates terror on earth. Here the word mohamari is used as epigram.

“Ami byomkesh dhori bondhonhara dhara Gongotreer”-In this line Byomkesh is used as an epigam. The word Byomkesh means Sky covered with hair and with such stormy hair the reckless river Ganga can be captured. On the other hand Byomkesh is another name of Shiva. The untidy hair of Shiva darkened the sky while capturing the river Ganga and so Shiva is named Byomkesh.

Ami bojro, eeshan bishane onkar”- In this line eeshan is used as an epigam. The sound of thundering is mentioned as onkar, on the other hand the horn of Shiva creates thundering when he plays it. In this episode of the poem Nazrul compares himself with  thunder, the thunderous sound of Shiva’s horn and also with the terror created by Shiva’s horn.

Ami akul nidagh-tiyasha, ami roudro-rudro robi”-In this line the poet compares himself with the extremely hot, blazing sun. Here the word ‘rudro’ is an epigram because ‘rudro’ is the representative of terrifically hot scorching and destructive appearance of sun and the other hand rudro is the name of Shiva who brings about tremendous destruction with his devastating appearance .

“Ami boshudha-bokhkhe agniyadri barbo-bohni kalanol”- In this line the word kalanol or the dark fire is n epigram. The blazing burning fire of the extreme darkness of kala represents the extremely hot fiery image. On the other hand kalanol is the fiery love of Krishna . Sometimes Nazrul endeavors to portrait himself as the blazing fiery mountain at the core of the earth, sometimes an extremely speedy fiery horse and again sometimes he presents himself as the epitome of dark and hot piece of canon. Through various comparisons the poet mainly depicts the burning wounds deep inside his chest and among these comparisons kalanol is the epigram.

3.Alliteration of Homophones:

Alliteration of Homophones is created when multiple use of a single word in a line produces different meanings or same meanings or even a meaningless sound. Alliteration of Homophones can be used in the beginning, middle or at the end of a sentence. Alliteration of Homophones approaches in various ways based on its meanings and positions in a sentence. In the poem ‘Bidrohee’ there are various uses of Alliteration of Homophones.

a.Starting Alliteration of Homophones: Starting Alliteration of Homophones is created when the first word of a line is similar to any other word of the same line and both of them differ in meaning.

1. Ami mani nako kono aain,

Ami bhora-toree kori bhora-dubi, ami Torpedo ami bheem bhasoman maaeen

In these lines the word bhora is used two times in bhora-toree and bhora-dubi. First time the word bhora refers to fulfillment and second time it depicts complete catastrophe. Here the word bhora creates sweetness of sound by being repeated.

b.Middle Alliteration of Homophones:

 In the middle of a line if the same word gets repeated depicting different meaning it gives birth to Middle Alliteration of Homophones.

“Ami durdom, momo praner peyala hordom hai hordom bhorpur mod.”

In this sentence for the first time the word hordom hai means always and the second time hordom means fulfilled with since it is positioned with the word bhorpur.  Bhorpur  means fulfilled. As a result an immaculately beautiful middle alliteration of homophones is created by the word hordom since it depicts double meanings: ‘always’ and ’fulfillment’.

g. Ending  Alliteration of Homophones: Ending  Alliteration of Homophones occurs If a line contains incomplete bar of more than two morae.


1.      Ami oniyom uchshrinkhol

Ami dole jai joto bondhon, joto niyom kanun/shrinkhol.

In these lines first time the word shrinkhol is the divided form of the word uchshrinkhol (uch+shrinkhol) and second time it is the incomplete bar of the second line. Therefore the word shrinkhol is Ending  Alliteration of Homophones.

2.      Ami tai kori bhai/ jokhon chahe e / mon ja

Kori shotrur sathe /golagolidhori / mrittur sathe/ ponja

In these lines mon ja and ponja are the words of Ending  Alliteration of Homophones based on incomplete bar.

3.      Ami srishty, ami dhongso, ami lokaloy, ami / shoshan

Ami obosan, nisha / bosan

4.      Ami bojro, ami eeshan bishane  / onkar

Ami israfiler shingar moha/ hunkar

5.      Ami / unmon mon / udaseer

Ami bidhobar buke krondon shaash,

Haa hutas ami / hutashir

6.      Ami uttori bayu, moloy onil udas purobee / hawa

Ami pothik kobir gobheer ragini, benu bine gaan / gawa

7.      Ami uththan, ami poton, ami ocheton chite / cheton

Ami bishsho torone boijoyontee, manob-bijoy- / keton

8.      Dhori basukir phona / japti

Dhori sorgiyo dut Jibraeeler aguner pakha / sapti

9.      Ami dev shishu ami / chonchol

Ami dhrishto, Ami dant diya chchiri bishsho mayer / onchol

10.  Momo banshorir tane / pashori

Ami shyamer hater / Banshori

11.  Ami rushe uthe jobe chchuti mohakash / chchapiya,

Bhoye sopto norok Habiya dozokh nibhe nibhe jay kanpiya

12.  Jobe utpireeter kreondon rol akashe batashe / dhonibe na,

Ottachareer khorog kripan Bheem rono-bhume / ronibe na

The underlined words of the above mentioned quotations are ending alliteration of homophones.

3.Alliteration of Synonyms:

Alliteration of Synonyms is the process of literary beautification which is created by using different synonyms of the same word in a line. According to Dr. Jeevendra Singh Roy-“The use of various words containing the same meaning in one sentence can create alliteration of synonyms if the repetition of the words delivers various meaning.


1 Bolo beer-

  Bolo mohabishsher mohakash phari

  Chondro surjo groho tara chchari

  Bhulok duolok golok bhediya

  Khodar ason ‘arosh’ chchediya

  Uthiyachchi chiro bishshoy ami bishsho bidhatreer!

The meanings of the words ‘Dulok’ and ‘golok’ are ‘sky’ and ‘heaven’. Again meaning of the word ‘golok’ is the cow-pasture of Krishna or the accommodation of Narayan. In these lines though the words ‘dulok’ and ‘golok’ are synonyms they contain different meaning. The words ‘Khodar ason’ and ‘arosh’ contain almost the same meaning. Meaning of the tadbhav word ‘ason’ is ‘seat’ and the Arabic word arosh also means ubiquitous space of God.

2“Ami joubon bheetu polli balar Aanchor kancholi nichor!”

In this line there are three words ‘achor’ ‘kanchori’ ‘nichor’ and all of them contain the same meaning: ‘veil’. Therefore, these words mainly resembles with each other based on their meaning. On the other hand they have some dissimilarities too.

3.‘Ami bishsho-torone boijoyontee, manob-bijoy-keton,

           In this line the word ‘boijoyontee’ means the flag of victory. Again the word keton                    means flag. The word flag gets the status of being the sign of victory because of the word ‘boijoyontee

4.‘Ami bidroho-bahee’ nikhil okhil byepiya’-In this line the words are different still they have similarities.The word Nikhil means the entire world . On the other hand the word ‘okhil’ means wholeness.

5.“Bhoye sopto norok Habiya dozokh nibhe nibhe jay kanpiya”-

In this line the word ‘norok’ means burning place of punishment (hell). ‘Habiya’ and ‘dozokh’ are the Arabic and Persian words which mean burning punishment cell.

5. Allophone:

The metaphor that is created in a line by using sound is called allophonic. ‘Sound’ is the embodiment of letters, sweetness of words and wonderful expression of words. According to Deepti Tripathy allophone is the main part of metaphor: “Metaphor consists of sound, the symbolic outcome of word. The melodious nature of a word is expressed through metaphor. In metaphor the most important elements are allophone and alliteration. The rest of the four elements: alliteration of synonyms, epigram, irony and alliteration of homophone are not commonly used in modern poetry.” [Olonkar Abha: Deepti Tripathy, pg:17]

Kazi Nazrul Islam is expert in using allophone. In this case he is incomparable. The poems by Kazi Nazrul Islam which are rich in allophone are: Proloyollash, Bidrohee, Agomoni, Dhumketu, Kamal Pasha, Rono-bheree, Aaj Srishty Sukher Ullashe, Fateha-I-Doaz Dahm, Obhoy-montro, Shikol Porar Gaan, Jhor, Bhangar Gaan, Bondeer Bondona etc.

In the poem ‘Bidrohee’ we find the use of allophone in an elaborate way. Recitation of such lines containing allophone creates an atmosphere of  wonderful rhythm and sweetness of word deep in our heart.


1.Bolo beer

   Bolo unnoto momo shir!

   Shir nehari amari, notoshir oi shikhor himadreer!

2.Bhulok duolok golok bhediya,

   Khodar ason arosh chchediya.

3.Momo lolate rudro bhogoban jole raj-rajteeka deepto joyoshreer!

4. Ami chiro durdom, durbineeto, nrishongso,

   Moha-proloyer ami Notoraj, ami cyclone, ami dhongso

5.Ami jhonjha, ami ghurni,

   Ami poth somukhe jaha pai jai churni.

6.Ami chol chonchol, thomoki chchomoki

   Pothe jete jete chokite chomoki

   Phing diya dei teen do!

   Ami chopola chopol hindol!

7.Ami chiro duronto durmod,

   Ami durdom, momo praner peyala hordom hai hordom bhorpur mod.

8.Ami srishty ami dhongso, ami lokaloy, ami shoshan,

   Ami obosan, nishabosan

9.Ami pinak panir domru trishul, Dhormorajer dondo,

10.Ami khepa Durbasa-bisshamitro-shishsho,

Ami dabanol-daho, dahon koribo bishsho!

11.Ami ujjol, ami projjol,

   Ami uchchol-jol-chchol-chchol, chol urmir hindol dol!

12.Chit-chumbon-chor-kompon ami thor-thor-thor prothom porosh kumarir!

13.Ami moru-nirjhor jhor-jhor

14.Chchuti jhorer moton korotali diya

Sorgo morto korotole,

Tazee Burrak ar Uchchweshrweba bahon amar

Himmot-hrtesha hence chole!

15. Ami bosudha bokhkhe agneyadri

16.Ami torite choriya ure choli jor turi diya, diya lompho,

Ami tras sonchari bhubone sohosa sonchari bhumikompo!

17.Jogodeeshshor eeshor amipurushottom sotto,

  Ami tathiya tathiya mothya phiri e sorgo patal morto!

18.Ami bidrohee bhrigu, bhogoban buke enke dei podo-chinho!

Ami sroshta-sudon,shok-tap-hana kheyali bidhir bokhkho koribo bhinno!

b. Allegory : Allegory  is created in the lines of a poem by dint of appropriate exhibition of poetic beauty through  comparison based on similarities and dissimilarities between words. Allegory is basically the process of creating wide range of poetic beauty in the meanings of words through the comparative exhibition of words. In order to exhibit proper form of allegory the poet has to use comparable words carefully.

allegory is mainly of six types: Example: 1.Allegory containing similarities 2. Allegory containing dissimilarity 3. Allegory containing series of adjectives

1. Allegory containing similarities: The poetic beauty that is formed in the establishment of similarities between people or objects by using analogy is called Allegory containing similarities. Allegory containing similarities is of various types. Such as analogy, retrospective, metaphoric, allegory based on doubts etc.

In the poem ‘Bidrohee’ we may find a good number of allegory of analogy. Among those allegory of absent analogy and allegory of multiple analogies are the most important.

Quotations based on allegory of  analogy:

a.      Allegory of multiple analogies : The poetic beauty that is created by the comparison based on similarities between different equivalent or people and a single analogy is called malopoma.


1.Momo lolate Rudro bhogobanjole raj-rajteeka deepto joyoshreer!

2.Ami bondhon hara kumarir beni, tone noyone bohnee,

3.Ami soroseer hridi sorosij prem uddam ami dhonni!

4.Ami chiro-shishu chiro kishor!

5.Ami uttori bayu, moloy-onil, udas purobi hawa,

6.Ami bosudha bokhkhe agneyadri, barbo-bohnni, kalanol

In the first line the comparable object is ‘lolat’ and the analogical elements are ‘Rudro(Shiva)’,’raj-rajtika’ and ‘joyoshree’ which means ‘the victorious mark’.

In the second quotation The poet compares himself with the analogical elements “bondhon hara kumarir beni” and “tonnee noyone bonne”.

In the third quotation ‘hridi sorosij’ and ‘prem-uddam’ are the analogical elements.

In the fourth quotation the poet compares himself with ‘chiro shishu’ and ‘chiro kishor’.

In the fifth quotation the analogical elements are ‘uttori bayu’, ‘moloy-onil’ and purobee hawa’.

In the sixth quotation the analogies are ‘agneyadri’, barbo-bohnee’ and ‘kalanol’.

b.      Allegory of self-introduction and Allegory of Self-introduction through various analogies: Allegory of self-introduction is created In a line where the comparable object is identified as analogy . When a single comparable object gets ornamented with various analogs it is called mala allegory of self-introduction through various analogies.


1.Mohaproloyer ami Notoraj, ami cyclone, ami dhongso,

(Here the word ‘ami’is the comparable object which is compared with various analogs such as Notoraj, cyclone and dhongso)

2.Ami mohabhoy, ami obhishap prithbir!

(This line also contain two analogs: mohabhoy, obhishap)

3.Ami torpedo, ami Bheem bhasoman main.

(List of analogs: torpedo, Bheem, bhasoman main)

4.Ami sagnik jomodogni

(Here the analog is jomodogni. It is an example of Allegory of self-introduction)

5.Ami joggo, ami purohit, ami ogni!

(Here the analogs are: joggo, purohit, ogni. this is called allegory of multiple analogies )

6.Ami beduin, ami chengize,

(Beduin and Chengiz are the analogs)

7.Ami khepa durbasa bishshamitro shishsho,

(Durbasa is the only analog here. This an example of Allegory of self-introduction)

8.Ami orun khuner torun, ami bidhir dorpohari!

(Example of allegory of multiple analogies)

9.Ami akul nidagh-tiyasha, ami roudro rudro robi,

(Example of allegory of multiple analogies)

10.Ami moru nirjhor jhor jhor ami shemolima chchaya chchobi,

(Example of allegory of multiple analogies)

11.Ami onnay, ami ulka, ami shoni,

(Example of allegory of multiple analogies)

12.Ami dhumketu jala, bishdhor kalphoni

(Example of allegory of multiple analogies)

13.Ami chchinnomosta chondi, ami Ronoda sorbonashi,

(Example of allegory of multiple analogies)

14.Ami bidhohi bhrigu, bhogoban buke enke dei podo-chinho!

(Example of Allegory of self-introduction)

15.Ami shyamer hater bansori

(Example of Allegory of self-introduction)

16.Ami Orpheuser banshori

(Example of Allegory of self-introduction)

c.      Lines of Missing Analog:

Verse of missing analog is created when any one of the four major elements (analog, metaphoric analogous object, word depicting comparison and meaning of the word) of a line remains absent.

Some verses of missing analog in the poem, ‘Bidrohee’ are:

1.Momo lolate rudro bhogoban jole raj-rajteeka deepto joyoshreer!

(Word depicting comparison ‘somo’ is absent )

2.Chchuti jhorer moton korotali diya sorgo morto korotole

(The comparable object ‘ami’ is absent )

3.Ami porshuramer kothor kuthar

(Word depicting comparison ‘somo’ is absent )

d.     Metaphor:

Existence of extreme similarity between the analog and the comparable object is called metaphor.


1.Ami nrittopagol chchondo

2.Ami mukto jibonanondo

3.Ami hom-sheekha

4.Ami krishno-kontho

5.Amibyomkesh,dhori bondhonhara dhara gongotreer

6.Jogodeeshshor eeshor ami purushottom sotto,

e.      Mentioning:

Mentioning refers to different forms of presentation of the same object.


1.Ami mrinmoy, ami chinmoy

2.ami ojor omor okhkhoy, ami obboy!

3.Jogodeeshshor eeshshor ami purushottom sotto,

4.Ami hambeer, ami chchayanot, ami hindol,

f.       Confirmation:

To present the comparable object in a greater way making the analog minor.


1.Shir nehari amari notoshir oi shikhor himadrir

Witnessing the poet’s head bows down the Himalayas. The poet’s head is the comparable object which is superior than the analog Himalayas.

g.       Metaphoric stability of comparable object:

Stable metaphoric state of a comparable object occurs when the presence of the comparable object in a line is confirmed with the characteristic considered as the subject of comparison and the analog remains absent. This figure of speech is first introduced by Nazrul.


1.      Bolo unnoto momo shir

2.      Ami chiro unnoto shir

3.      Chiro unnoto momo shir

4.      Ami chiro duronto durmod

5.      Ami chiro bidrohee beer

6.      Allegory containing series of adjectives:

Allegory containing various adjectives occurs when the line deals with different adjectives for one comparable object.

a.      Beauty of  various adjectives:

The use of various adjectives with one comparable object  provides a particular line with poetic ornamentation. It is a process of allegory containing series of adjectives.


1.      Ami chiro durdom durbineeto nrishongso

2.      Ami jhonjha, ami ghurni

3.      Ami chopola chopol hindol,

4.      Ami mohamari , ami bheeti e dhoreetrir

5.      Ami shason, trason songhar, ami ushno chiro odheer!

6.      Ami bojro, ami eeshan bishane onkar,

7.      Ami pinak panir domru trishul dhormorajer dondo,

8.      Ami chokro o mohashongkho, ami pronob nad prochondo,

9.      Ami probhonjoner uchchas, ami baridhir mohakollol

10.  Ami bidhobar buke krondon shaas, ha hutash ami hutashir

11.  Ami obomaniter morom bedona, bish jala priyo lanchito buke goti pher

12.  Ami obhimani chiro-khubdho hiyar katorota betha swunibir,

13.  Ami gopon priyar chokito chahoni, chchol-kore-dekha onukhon,

14.  Ami chopol meyer bhalobasa, tar kakon churir konkon

7.      Contradictory Allegory:

This allegory refers to the poetic beauty of contradictory words.

         allegory of contradictory status :


1.       “Ami srishty, ami dhongsho”

allegory of contradictory status :

Various words in a line of opposite meanings seem to be contradictory but it provides the literary piece with poetic excellence. Such use of contradictory words in a sentence is called allegory of contradictory status.

The poet explains the force which creates can demolish also. After demolition new formation takes place. It is a universal truth that demolition is followed by new creation. Human inhabitation turns into ashes by episodes of time. Demolition and creation are followed by each other.

2.      “Ami obosan, nishabosan!”

The poet becomes frigid because of being tired. Again at the end of night he achieves a new life and a new morn. After the tiredness of a night or after the interval the poet achieves the restlessness of a new morning. According to the law of nature tiresome mood is always followed by a state of liveliness.

3.      “Momo ek hate banka bansher banshori, ar hate ronoturjo!”

This line means the soul who is a lover is also a rebellious soldier. This is the extraordinary characteristic of a great soul which provides him with greatness. He who loves the humanity wholeheartedly is able to declare war against the inhuman world for the sake of humanity. The poet Kazi Nazrul Islam is such a great soul.

4.      “Ami pran-khola hasi ullas, ami srishty boiree mohatras,” 

The poet can easily get united with the people of open-mindedness, the people of joyous mood and laughter. He gets overwhelmed by the love for creation. On the other hand some creations of God are inhumans. They give birth to terror, they create an atmosphere of hatred and pain. They want to gallop the peaceful world, the world of innocent hearts. The poet turns into the most terrifying horror in front of such oppressive forces. The poet struggles to bring overflowed laughter among the innocent people of the world. For acquiring reckless happiness and joy for the whole world the poet sometimes gets rebellious and terrific and here lies the wonderful blending of opposite characteristics of the great poetic soul.

5.      “Ami kobhu proshanto, kobhu oshanto, darun shwechchachari

For accomplishing our purpose, for bringing revolution in society according to necessity or for the sake of newness sometimes the poet keeps tranquility or sometimes he gets restless to achieve desirable revolution. Such a contradictory nature of the poet is his own choice according to his own will.  The poet is extremely willful. Sometimes to remain peacefully calm or sometimes to be restless are two contradictory attitude which occur according to the poet’s own decision. The expression of this attitude provides the poem with a brilliant literary excellence.

6.      “Ami uththan, ami poton, ami ocheton chite cheton”

The poet’s chest is enriched with wonderful sensation. The poet enters the world of the lower class of society who face downfall. The great soul fills up their unconscious mind with consciousness. In order to sustain synchronization among the classes of society sometimes the poet rises up and sometimes he falls down like the waves of a sea. The poet enrich them with  hopeful consciousness.

7.      “Ami jahannamer agune bosiya hasi pushper hasi!”

The poet is ready to accept all sorts of sacrifices with smiling face for the sake of social revolution. He can accept imprisonment. We find the same bold utterance in another article “Amra Lokhkhee Charar Dol”. The poet says, “You have to meditate for the new creation sitting on this ominous curse and the fire lit up by Saturn. This insane meditation of yours will change the hell fire into garden just like the hell of Namrood which smiled being a garden at the touch of Ibraheem (as).”

D.  Same allegorical utterance of words:

In the poem ‘Bidrohee’ Kazi Nazrul Islam presents a vast and versatile use of figure of speech. In the use of rhetoric we find a great deal of liveliness. Most of the rhetoric words of ‘Bidrohee’ fall in the category of cyclic alliteration. In the poem ‘Bidrohee’ we find the fantastic blending of rhetoric and allegory which is not created by any other poet to such a great extent. In the literary pieces of other poets it is almost impossible to find such a fabulous and heart-snatching variety of figure of speech. It is a matter of great surprise that in some cases similar allegories of lines are added with the dissimilar figure of speech of stanzas.


1.Shir nehari amari notoshir oi shikhor himadrir!

(Ex: mixed cyclic alliteration andalliteration of confirmation)

2.Momom lolate Rudro bhogoban jole raj-rajteeka deepto joyoshreer!

(Ex: cyclic alliteration and allegory containing similarities)

3.Ami chiro durdom , durbineeto, nrishongso

(Ex:Starting word alliteration, allophone, beauty of various adjectives)

4.Mohaproloyer ami Notoraj , ami cyclone , ami dhongso

(Ex: cyclic alliteration, allegory containing similarities)

5.Ami torpedo, ami Bheem bhasoman main

(Ex: cyclic alliteration, allegory containing similarities)

6.Ami dhurjoty, ami elokeshe jhor okal boishakhir!

(Ex: cyclic alliteration, epigram,allegory containing similarities)

7.Ami hambeer, ami chchayanot, ami hindol,

(beauty of various adjectives, beauty of various adjectives)

8.Ami chopola chopol hindol!

(Ex: middle word alliteration , beauty of various adjectives)

9.Ami shason trason songhar, ami ushno chiro odheer

(Ex: cyclic alliteration ,fricative assonance,  beauty of various adjectives)

10.Ami homshikha, ami sagnik jomodogni,

-(metaphor, allegory containing similarities, alliteration of compound words)

11.Ami srishty, ami dhongso, ami lokaloy, ami shoshan,

(Ex: fricative assonance,  Contradictory Allegory)

12.Ami obosan, nishabosan,

(Ex: cyclic alliteration, fricative assonance,  Contradictory Allegory)

13.Momo ek hate banka bansher banshori, ar hate ronoturjo

(Ex: Starting word,alliteration, middle word alliteration, Contradictory Allegory)

14.Ami krishno-kontho, monthon bish piya betha baridhir

(Ex:  Starting word,alliteration, beauty of various adjectives)

15.Ami byomkesh, Dhori bondhonhara dhara gongotreer!

(Ex: metaphor,  Starting word,alliteration)

16: Ami bojro, Ami eeshan bishane onkar,

(Ex: fricative assonance, beauty of various adjectives)

17.Ami pinak panir domru trishul, dhormorajer dondo,

(Ex: middle word alliteration, Starting word,alliteration, beauty of various adjectives)

18.Ami khepa durbasa bishshomitro shishsho,

(Ex: cyclic alliteration, fricative assonance, allegory containing similarities)

19.Ami prankhola hasi ullas, ami srishty boiri mohatras

(Ex: fricative assonance, Contradictory Allegory)

20Ami kobhu proshanto, -kobhu oshato darun shechchacharee,

(Ex: Alliteration of compound words, middle word alliteration, Contradictory Allegory)

21.Ami orun khuner torun, ami bidhir dorpohari

(Ex:cyclic alliteration, allegory containing similarities)

22.Ami probhonjoner uchchas, ami baridhir mohakollol,

Ami ujjol, ami projjol

(Ex: alliteration of compound words)

23.Ami ujjol jol-chchol-chchol, chol-urmir hindol-dol!

(Ex: cyclic alliteration, allegory containing similarities)

24.Ami bondhon-hara kumarir beni , tonhee noyone bonhee,

(Ex: cyclic alliteration, allegory containing similarities)

25.Ami shorosheer hridi sorosij prem uddam, ami dhonni.

(Ex: fricative assonance, cyclic alliteration, allegory containing similarities)

26.Ami bidhobar buke krondon shaash, ha-hutash ami hutashir!

(Ex: fricative assonance, cyclic alliteration, beauty of various adjectives)

27.Ami obomaniter morom bedona, bish jala, priyo lanchito buke goti pher!

(Ex: cyclic alliteration, beauty of various adjectives)

28. Ami obhimanee chiro-khubdho hiyar katorota, betha sunibir

(Ex: cyclic alliteration, beauty of various adjectives)

29.Chito-chumbon-chor-kompon ami thor-thor-thor prothom porosh kumarir!

(Ex: plosive assonance, same allegorical utterance of words,)

30.Ami chopol meyer bhalobasa, tar kakon churir konkon

(Ex: cyclic alliteration, beauty of various adjectives)

31.Ami joubon bheetu pollibalar anchor kanchori nichor1

(Ex: alliteration of synonyms, middle word alliteration, plosive assonance)

32.Ami uttori bayu, moloy-onil, udas purobi hawa,

(Ex: cyclic alliteration, beauty of various adjectives)

33.Ami akul-nidagh tiyasha, ami roudro rudro robi,

(Ex: cyclic alliteration, palatal assonance, beauty of various adjectives)

34.Ami moru nirjhor jhor-jhor, ami shyemolima chchayachchobi

(Ex: cyclic alliteration, beauty of various adjectives)

35.Ami utthan, ami poton, ami ocheton chite cheton,

(dental assonance, cyclic alliteration, starting word alliteration, Contradictory Allegory)

36.chchuti jhorer moton korotali diya sorgo-morto-korotole,

( Ex: cyclic alliteration, palatal assonance, lines of missing analog)

37. Ami bosudha bokhkhe agneyadri, barbo-bohnee  kalanol,

(starting word alliteration, cyclic word alliteration, beauty of various adjectives)

38. Ami Orpheuser banshori,

(cyclic word alliteration, fricative assonance, allegory of self-introduction)

39. Ami shyamer hater banshori.

(Ex: cyclic word alliteration, allegory of self-introduction)

40.Ami onnay, ami ulka, ami shoni

(Ex: cyclic word alliteration, allegory of self-introduction through various analogies)

41. Ami chchinnomosta chondi, ami ronoda sorbonashi,

(Ex: cyclic word alliteration, allegory of self-introduction through various analogies)

42.Ami jahannamer agune bosiya hasi pushper hasi!

(Ex: cyclic word alliteration, Contradictory Allegory)

43.Ami mrinmoy, ami chinmoy,

(Alliteration of compound words, cyclic word alliteration, mentioning)

44.Ami ojor omor ohkhoy. Ami obboy)

(cyclic word alliteration, starting word alliteration, mentioning)

45.Ami manob danob debotar bhoy

(Ex: cyclic word alliteration, Contradictory Allegory)

46.Jogodeeshshor-eeshshor ami purushottom sotto,

(Ex: Alliteration of compound words, cyclic word alliteration, mentioning)

47.Ami porshuramer kothor kuthar,

(Ex: cyclic word alliteration, middle word alliteration, lines of missing analog)

In the poem ‘Bidrohee’ the greatness of humanity is established through the overwhelmed outburst of anger of great souls. The poet declares self-greatness, self-unveiling in this poem and so he became rebellious against the whimsical, imperious foreign rulers. He made a perfect use of allegories, replicas and image of goddesses in order to sketch the image of a rebellious soul. The poet introduces a praiseworthy variety of versatile figure of speech in order to draw a perfect image of revolutionary spirit. He creates compatibility by the profound use of revolutionary images and characters which is an outstanding literary achievement. Sometimes this extraordinary poetic element of  rhythm and aesthetic beauty might look unfamiliar but we must keep in mind that in true sense the blending of opposite forces in the poem has provided it with poetic wonder of excellent class. Through such a mind-blowing blending the poet draws the image of revolution.


1.Ami bondhon-hara kumarir beni tonnhee-noyone-bohnee,

2.Ami shorosheer hridi sorosij preme uddam,

3.Ami bidhobar bukr krondon shaash, haa hutash ami hutashir!

4. Ami bonchito betha pothobasichiro grihohara joto pothiker,

   Ami obomaniter morom-bedona, bish jala priyo lanchito buke goti pher!

   Ami obhimanee chiro-khubdho hiyar katorota, betha sunibir,

In the above mentioned quotations the poet declares unity with all the street living homeless wanderers who look for sympathy,  the ever distressed mind who searches for a new hope,  the oppressed class of society who struggles for settlement.

5.Chiti-chumbon-chor-kompon ami thor-thor-thor prothom porosh kumarir!

6.Ami gopon priyar chokito chahoni, chchol kore dekha onukhon,

7,Ami chopol meyer bhalobasa, tar kakon churir konkon

8.Ami joubon bheetu pollibalar achor kachori nichor!

In the above mentioned quotations the dream of revolution is compared with the first love of a lover in disguise, with the startled look of a secret admirer, with the first sensational thrill of a maiden and with the jingling of her bangles. The revolutionary spirit of a great spiritual soul is the most desirable for the great poet.

To ornament the revolutionary spirit with such tremendous comparisons is outstanding. As a matter of fact the revolutionary spirit and the romantic melodious events of human life don’t belong to the same plot of expression. Therefore they are contradictory. In the poem ‘Bidrohee’ the poet describes the keenness for revolution through this contradictory presentation.

Quotations depicting the contradictory states of expression are:

1.Ami uththan, ami poton, ami ocheton chite cheton,

2.Kobhu dhoronire kori boroniya, kobhu bipul dhongso bonna

3.Ami manob danob debotar bhoy,

4.Ami kobhu proshanto, kobhu oshanto, darun shechchacharee,

5.Ami pran khola hasi ullas, ami srishty boiri mohatras

6.Momo ek hate banka bansher banshori, ar hate ronoturjo!

7.Ami srishty, ami dhongso, Ami lokaloy, ami shoshan,

In the above mentioned quotations we find the assembly of opposite qualities existing in the same character. This is not a human characteristic. Rather this reminds us of Shiva the god of power. Shiva is the god of creation at the same he is the god of destruction. In this poem Shiva’s name is mentioned in various characters of destruction and anger. The images of the god of power are sketched as Rudro, Notoraj, Dhurjoty, Byomkesh etc. Rainfall that is made by Shiva for a fertile land and the flowing power of the river Ganga are also mentioned in the poem beside Dhurjoty and Byomkesh who are the exhibitions of power.

Mainly the revolution of the poem ‘ Bidrohee’ is not only the revolution  against the oppressors, against illegal rulers or land-snatchers but also the revolution of art. This poem is one of the most artistic literary expressions of the world literature. This revolution of art exists in its extra-ordinary way of expression.

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